Monday, November 9, 2015

Pumpkin Experiment

We have been observing a pumpkin for the last week 
or so to see if anything would grow. 
 Last week, the pumpkin started to rot and we were 
a bit disappointed that nothing was growing 
and predicted that nothing probably 
would grow since it was decomposing.
 However, we came to school today and discovered this:

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Musical and Parade Fun

The kids were fabulous performing their musical!  Thank you to the huge audience who supported them!
We had fun at Claymont's 50th Anniversary Parade on Friday. 
What a great week!
What an amazing performance!
Mr. Wills and Phil speaking at the ceremony


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Will it Grow?

This week in science we are experimenting with seeds.  
We "planted" 5 seeds in a glove
 (lima bean, corn seed, kidney bean, black-eyed pea and a marigold seed.) Now we are waiting to see if anything will happen. Today we planted our grass people.  We are excited to observe the "hair" of our grass people grow during the next couple of weeks!

They are growing!!!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Fun at the Science Center!

What a great time we had at the Science Center.  We watched a movie about stars and planets in the Planetarium and then explored and had fun in the Discovery Room.  
Thank you to all parents who joined us!