Thursday, February 27, 2014

Learning about Dental Health

A BIG thanks to Preston's dad, Dr. Wehrmeister, 
and his assistant, Miss Ashley, 
for their visit to the classroom today.  
The kids learned all about dental health and got to brush 
Dudley the Dinosaur's teeth!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Fun with Mo Willems

Our author of the month is Mo Willems and we have 
had so much fun reading his books.  
This week, the kids created their own version of the pigeon books. 
 I don't think I have ever seen the kids 
SO excited about writing a book!!
"I am sad, I don't have any friends."

"Can I get you a burger? Yes, yes. Fine. Ok. You win."

"What's the big deal?"

"Oh. No fair!"
"The pigeon is mad because he couldn't feed the bear."

"Please, please, please!"

"The pigeon is super craaaaaaazy!"

"I will fight Darth Vader."

"I want to keep the pig."

"The pigeon wants to find a kitten."

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day Fun

What a lovely Valentine's Day we had.  The kids enjoyed exchanging their cards and had fun during the class party!  Thank you to all parents who helped make it a success.