Monday, September 16, 2013

Fire Safety Day

Today, we had a special visit from the paramedics of the Metro West Fire Protection District and learned about fire safety.  We learned when and how to dial 911 and that we have to learn our phone numbers and addresses.  We also learned what to do if we were asleep and there was a fire in our house.  We practiced crawling low to the ground and feeling the door to see if it is hot.  We also learned about the functions of a firetruck and ambulance and got to sit inside of the ambulance. If your family does not have a fire safety plan, make sure you get one!
                                         Getting ready to go into the Safe House.
                                Nicholas checking the door of his "bedroom"
                                                Listening to the Chief Paramedic
                                                        Inside a real ambulance!
                                             Now we know more about fire safety!

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